The BC Government has announced a Launch Online Grant program for BC registered business owners. The grant can be used towards creating or improving an eCommerce website.
WordPress PHP Update Required. Now What?
So your website has been running perfectly fine for all these years but now WordPress is suddenly throwing a warning on your dashboard “WordPress has detected that your site is running on an insecure version of PHP. And how do you fix this?
Pros and Cons of Managed WordPress Hosting
Blogging became very popular in recent years and it just keeps getting more and more traction. Since WordPress is the most popular blogging platform out there on the market, it’s only logical that it is on top of the list of every future blogger.
New features of WordPress 4.6 (including screenshots)
Outlined in this article are the new features for the upcoming release of WordPress 4.6. The expected release date of WordPress 4.6 will be August 16 2016
10 New features of WordPress 4.5
Currently in release candidate 2 stage, WordPress 4.5 looks very promising for both end-users and developers. This article will give you a visual overview of all the new features that WordPress 4.5 has to offer.
Free install of WordPress 4.4.2 security update
WordPress 4.4.2 is an open door for hackers. Let us help you updating WordPress for free!
How to protect your blog from spam comments
We will discuss various options that will help keep your blog free from spammers.
How to be prepared for your new website
How to prepare yourself to approach a web designer. A good designer will ask you a lot of information.
WordPress page builders and their impact on page speed
How much impact does your favorite page builder have on your website’s loading speed?
No tax in Woocommerce? Here’s the fix!
Some Woocommerce installations seems to have a glitch. We couldn’t find a solution online, so we dedicated some time to fix this ourselves.