Nowadays, businesses that have a website or a blog are on a lookout for ways to increase their online visibility. Being more visible and having a good online presence means having more traffic and leads. In order to achieve this, businesses must gain the favor of Google, because the search engine giant has preferences in sorting out information and ranking websites based on specific criteria.
Google rankings help provide websites and blogs with visibility and reputation by pushing them to the first page of Google search. However, getting to the top of the Google’s list is no easy task, as Google has over 200 factors that determine a website’s ranking. Moreover, optimizing a website according to Google’s preferences will rank it higher. Here are a few things Google loves about your website.
Original content
Google prefers to see original content on your website, if you’re covering a specific topic, news or niche from a unique perspective, then Google will like it. Posting something that has already been written by someone else is just reposting and it will be seen as spam by Google.
Furthermore, the content you post on your website will also have to be informative, relevant and entertaining, as well as contain images, videos and other sorts of graphical material in order for it to be praised by Google.
Another thing that Google loves is fresh content. Having consistency in updating your blog or a website with new and fresh content is beneficial for higher rankings. However, posting old content doesn’t count as fresh just because you posted it again after a while. Although, giving new life to old posts by adding something new to them, certainly adds freshness to your posts.
Social media presence
There is no direct way that you can measure how your social media presence affects Google rankings, but the fact is that it does. Google is watching for brands and businesses on social media and measures their activity and presence there. It’s safe to say that social media popularity is affecting your website’s rankings on Google.
Having a strong presence and promoting your content on social media will definitely get noticed by Google. This means having a good relationship with your followers and maintaining a good reputation on social networks. However, pushing spam promotions and irrelevant content in order to maintain some kind of social media presence won’t get you the desired attention. In fact, you will get quite the opposite of high ranking.
Website speed
Site speed is one of the most important factors in Google rankings. Not only that, but website speed is crucial for driving traffic to your website or blog. In the age of technology we live today, people got used to fast loading pages and getting to information quickly. If your blog is sluggish or your pages won’t load quickly enough, then viewers will get irritated and they will leave.
It’s important to optimize good speed for your website or blog because that way you will ensure that viewers will stay and look around, and your site will remain positive in the eyes of Google. So if you are thinking that you will save a bit of money on slow website speed and get away with it unnoticed, then think again. Instead, tell yourself this: “There are plenty of internet providers near me, I should at least check out what they have to offer and give my audience what they need”. After all, if you’re looking to rank high with Google, then make sure you don’t do things that Google dislikes.
Google prefers backlinks because they are the sign of a healthy website. Many people are wondering about what exactly are backlinks. Simply put, they are links to your website or blog on other people’s websites or blogs and vice versa, meaning that other websites or blogs use yours as a reference or an additional source of information. Furthermore, backlinks represent trust and a good relationship between websites and Google loves website collaboration.
Quality link building is essential for high rankings, but that doesn’t mean you should have backlinks anywhere you can. As a matter of fact, having backlinks on websites that are marked bad by Google will automatically rank you lower. Instead, try to have as many backlinks as possible on well-known and respected websites.
Ranking high with Google has become an important aspect for websites today – it ensures visibility and legitimacy of a website. Getting high on Google’s list is difficult, but with some research and right moves, it’s only a matter of time before reaching the first page.