

Technology and services

Custom WordPress development
Copywriting service
Global location map with search filter
Custom contact form
Custom post types
Website loading time optimization


About the project

GeoAdvice Engineering Inc. is a civil engineering consulting firm, serving public and private sector clients for public works infrastructure analysis and asset management. GeoAdvice specializes in water, wastewater, and stormwater hydraulic and hydrologic modeling and training.

The previous website of GeoAdvice was strongly outdated, was lacking a database, and showed errors with the SSL certificate. We were asked to design and develop a custom website that allows the customer to easily update the content in-house.

We built this website in WordPress on a solid foundation that will last for many years to come. We integrated a location map where the customer can add map pins easily for all their customers. The map also has a search filter integrated.

Before we could launch the website on the server of the customer we had to upgrade the PHP version on the server because their old website was running on an outdated version of PHP.

Not only did we install a new version of PHP, we also optimized the loading time of the website, and the result is an impressive A-score:

Website loading time Geoadvice